What is Remote Sensing ? How important it is ?

                                                          Remote Sensing ( A brief Introduction)

Hey there People,

In this blog I will be sharing what remote sensing is  and how significant it is ?

What Remote Sensing is?

Remote sensing is the technology of acquiring information about the earth’s surface without actually being in contact with it.

Do you know ? : Our eyes work in visible part of spectrum but it is also a Remote Sensor.

Remote Sensing is done by Sensing or recording reflected and emitted energy and processing , analysing and applying that information.

What are the different components of Remote Sensing ?

a.       Energy Source Or illumination

b.      Radiation and the atmosphere

c.       Interaction with target

d.      Recording of energy with sensor

e.      Transmission , Reception and Processing

f.        Interpretation and Analysis

g.       Application

Remote Sensing process involves an interaction between incident radiation and target of interests.


a.       Synoptic view

b.      Global Coverage

c.       Repeateability

d.      Multispectral

e.      Multi Resolution

f.        Near real time

g.       Systematic Data Collection

h.      The only solution to inaccessible area

i.         Generic Data

I will be writing about Historical Perspective of Remote Sensing along with its importance in my next Blog.Stay Tuned………..:-)


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